What is Recapitulation?As used here, recapitulation is an ancient technique for retrieving energy, prevent energetic loss and healing energetic injuries. The term is used in other contexts to refer to the hypothetical development of the embryo of an animal, from fertilization to gestation (ontogeny), through stages representing successive stages in the evolution of the animal's remote ancestors (phylogeny). In this context, it is also refered to as the biogenetic law or embryological parallelism or the Meckel Serres law. This concept was formulated in the 1820s by Etienne Serres based on the work of Johann Friedrich Meckel. As applied here, Recapitulation is a method, a self-directed discipline, a self empowering technique that enables an individual to repair damage in their own energy bodies. This includes the damage and energy drain that comes from soul loss or soul fragmentation, mental complexes, attachments and addictions, attachments by entities living or deceased and from deliberate psychic attacks. That said, it is not a cure all. Rather it is a healing method or process. There are times when it is most effective when combined with other healing processes such as shamanic soul retrieval, spirit releasement, traditional counseling, etc. One big advantage of recapitulation is that it is practiced solo and is, therefore, empowering to the individual. Another advantage is that it is based on energy work rather than analysis or talk therapy. Recapitulation was described in the writings of Carlos Castaneda (Wikipedia Link).
Castaneda's writings were popular in the 1970's and 1980's. Much of his narrative was derived from
Toltec tradition and concepts. Victor Sanchez (Wikipedia Link) is
another author who has studied this technique from its original sources. Sanchez's
refinements, techniques, experiences and perspectives are described in his book,
The Toltec Path of Recapitulation: Healing Your Past to Free Your Soul Practicing RecapitulationRecapitulation is a method of recovering the power and energy that we have given away to people, places, and things. This technique recognizes that we have luminous energy "filaments" or aka cords extending from ourselves to others. These connections, energy filaments or aka cords form when we direct our attention and energy outward. They also form when others place their attention and energy on us. Such connections often involve some mutual intent or agreement between ourselves and others. It is the objective then to recognize and inventory these energy connections, decide which ones to keep or cultivate, and which ones are not in our best interest. We can then manage our energy connections, stop parasitic energy drains and recover stagnant energy. We thereby free our energy body and make it mobile. Recapitulation breaks the basic assumptions that we have accepted throughout our lives. As long as those assumptions remain intact, our memories of our past and the energy they contain can cloud our lives. The techniques summarized here are derived from those described by these authors with simplification and modification. The major modifications are the practice of assessing appropriateness through meditation and the use of forgiveness to release and resolve harmful energy attachments. The Recapitulation ListsThe first step is to make lists. The list is primarily of the meaningful events of your life. It is intended to direct one to remember and relive past events, to help us recover hidden memories and to help us discern what the significant events of our life really are. A few of the types of events to include in the list includes:
We can resolve lists into roughly three categories. One is personal experiences involving other physical or non-physical persons or beings with which we have some kind of energetic relationship. The second is personal experiences involving groups or collectives like religions, governments, regulating or controlling organizations, etc. with which we have some kind of energetic relationship. The third group is personal experiences from which we have any sense of guilt. It is important to recognize that healthy relationships with friends, family members and others are not something that you should feel compelled to extract energy from or sever the ties with. Eventually, one walks alone, but along the way positive loving and compassionate experiences and relationships enrich the soul and contribute to Spiritual evolution. Also recognize that you are not looking to recapitulate trivial details. You are looking for events and experiences that hold a lot of unresolved energy. Remember that the purpose of living on this plane is to gain experience, make choices, learn from choices and acquire wisdom and understanding. Recapitulation is not supposed to replace or substitute for our process of learning the lessons of life. Rather, it is meant to be used as a healing process, to correct the effects of injuries to our energetic body. After making the list, take the time to evaluate, reflect and choose carefully those items that merit recapitulation. Forgiveness of self and others should often be used before or with recapitulation. It is important to be thorough when working in an area or category. Take your time and concentrate deeply. The Recapitulation ZoneIn Sanchez's directions, the recapitulation exercises are conducted while sitting in a wooden box especially constructed for this work. At the end of the work, the box is burned as a final release. The box serves a number of purposes.
While the box is a powerful aid, recapitulation can be accomplished without it. If not using a box, select a place and time when you will be undisturbed to do the work. Draw a circle around yourself to define an energy boundary in which you work. The intent is to compress your own energy within the circle and exclude external distractions. The most important aspect of this endeavor is Intent. You "Intend" the recovery of energy with your inhalation. You "Intend" the rejection of others energy filaments with your exhalation. You should sit comfortably in a chair or on a pillow. It is recommended that you make your recapitulation sessions an hour or more in length. You can do shorter ones or ones involving only one list item if that meets your needs. Appropriateness and Forgiveness in RecapitulationAfter making the lists, select an item and listen through meditation to assess the most appropriate action. If the forgiveness exercise is most appropriate, apply it and, if needed, do the recapitulation process. There may be some experiences or energetic connections that do not need forgiveness but should be recapitulated. There may also be energetic connections that should be retained for a while longer. Rely on your own inner direction to determine appropriate action. Not all energy connections need to be recapitulated or cut. The importance of carefully evaluating which connections to change and the effectiveness of the technique is illustrated by this experience shared by one of the class participants. As mentioned elsewhere, most of the content on this website evoloved from a course titled "Shamanic Warrior Training". The title was not exactly accurate, but it was the closest title in the english language that I could come up with that described what we were doing. The quote below is from one of the class participants. "During the course or our classes, we were trained in the practice of recapitulation. We were trained to regain the energy lost to past hurts or events that may still be leaching energy from us. This was a practice that I personally didn't feel I would ever use. I felt that I had let go of most my old hurts the day I looked into the eyes of my first born child. I had forgiven some pretty unforgivable things. However, our teacher explained that there are also "energy vampires", people who you have current or past relationships with. We've all had that friend that can be tiresome in their needs and demands of us. It was further explained, that we can choose to disconnect that emotional attachment. Cut it loose like a string. Well with this in mind I took a second look at my life. " "When I was a teenager, I was often unable to go home because of family issues. Alone out on the streets, it was often hard to find a safe place to sleep. I had met a man through a mutual friend. One night when he found me sleeping in his yard under a huge pine tree, he invited me in. However hesitant, after a few moments of indecision, I did go inside. I found the gentleman had gone on to bed, but left a bowl of hot soup on the table. From that point on, I never had to sleep on the streets again. I have always had a safe haven. This gentleman is very gruff, very direct and very secretive. He is also very intelligent. I didn't realize it then, but do now, that one of the great teachers had just entered my life." "I got to thinking about this relationship. Even though I did not feel like he was an energy vampire, I did realize that I expelled a large amount of energy to this relationship. My friend often lost his phone. When I didn't hear from him for any period of time, I began to fret. He's much older than I, so I would begin to fret that perhaps he was in ill health etc. I literally think of this person every single day of my life. When I think of the well being of my loved ones he is right there with my husband, father, siblings, and children. I deduced that maybe I was giving too much energy to this relationship. I decided this would be what I practiced my recapitulation on. I sat quietly and went through the technique. I wondered afterward if anything had happened. I didn't wonder for long. Within two hours of completing my recapitulation, my friend called. "What's wrong!" was the first words out of his mouth after hello. " "Nothing, why?" was my confused response. He then began to tell me he was calling because: "I had suddenly dropped off his radar!" This had happened before when I had been sick, so it worried him." "I was amazed that so soon after I had done the recapitulation he had called. So I asked him straight up if he wanted to remain connected to me. He responded: "How else are we going to know if something's wrong when my phone goes out?" So I have decided to allow this connection to continue. I feel it is worth the energy. " Recapitulation of the Energy from TraumaThis procedure is derived from Victor Sanchez's book. (1) When you are in position begin breathing as follows:
Repeat this pattern several times, until you feel ready to begin. (2) Take the item from your list that you have decided to recapitulate and remember it fully from the observer perspective. (3) Now replay the event again while reliving the emotions and feelings of it. Suspend analysis, judgment, and thinking while doing this. The objective is to remember the feelings and bodily reactions as a feeling experience without analysis. (4) Now replay the event one more time from the observer perspective. As you do so repeat the breathing technique from (1) while you visually draw back all of the energy that you have invested in that situation. (5) Assimilate the recovered energy leaning forward, pressing your abdomen tightly against your thighs. Reach under your knees and pull your thighs against your abdomen. Inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nostrils in short bursts, contracting the abdominal muscles with each burst. Do this no more than four times at first. Then sit upright, breathe in slowly through the nostrils and blow slowly with mouth. You will notice a feeling of lightness and well being, as this exercise allows you to access the Recapitulated energy throughout your luminous body. (6) Accept and Affirm your new reality verbally. Formulate an invocation of your new reality and speak it verbally and loudly. (7) Mentally visualize your new reality as manifesting in your life. (8) Take physical action that is based on or builds on your new reality. Recapitulation of Energy ConnectionsFor energy attachments extending from others to you; to release promises or agreements that are binding you; to release your own behaviors or emotional routines; or to release your own attachments to others, use the following breathing procedure: (1) The preparation is the same as the previous exercise. The breathing pattern is different as follows:
(2) Assimilate the recovered energy leaning forward, pressing your abdomen tightly against your thighs. Reach under your knees and pull your thighs against your abdomen. Inhale through your mouth and exhale through your nostrils in short bursts, contracting the abdominal muscles with each burst. Do this no more than four times at first. Then sit upright, breathe in slowly through the nostrils and blow slowly with mouth. You will notice a feeling of lightness and well being, as this exercise allows you to access the Recapitulated energy throughout your luminous body. (3) Accept and Affirm your new reality verbally. Formulate an invocation of your new reality and speak it verbally and loudly. (4) Mentally visualize your new reality as manifesting in your life. (5) Take physical action that is based on or builds on your new reality. Simplified Recapitulation ProcedureA quick and simplified procedure can be done as follows:
This quick and simple technique can be used for self defense, either psychic or physical, when applied correctly and appropriately with stong intent. Additional Reading and ResourcesBooks by Victor Sanchez (Amazon Link). Books on Soul Retrieval (Amazon Link).
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