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Shift the Paradigm

What is Enlightenment?

"The feeling remains that God is on the journey, too. " Teresa of Avila (1515 - 1582 A.D.)

According to the dictionary, enlightenment is the state of being enlightened. Enlighten, in turn, means to provide intellectual or Spiritual knowledge. In Buddhism, enlightenment implies the awakening to ultimate truth by which individuals are freed from the endless cycle of personal reincarnations to which all individuals are otherwise subject. In Hinduism enlightenment implies a state of transcendent divine experience represented by Vishnu. So, what does it really mean?

There are many training protocols and philosophies that prepare one to facilitate an "awakening" in consciousness. This is the primary goal of many religions, Spiritual societies and internal martial arts schools. Core to these practices is the activation of Spiritual energy centers and the mobilization of energy through these centers. The term kundalini is generally used. This word is derived from Indian yoga, but some other cultures use equivalent words and concepts.

At this point, I would like to share a personal experience of enlightenment.

"I was in a large bookstore browsing through the metaphysical section and reflecting on my life. I was thinking of all of my experiences and adventures and wondering quite sincerely, "Is this all there is? What, really, is the difference between where I am in consciousness and the Christ consciousness?" Suddenly, without warning, my awareness expanded and I had a comprehensive view of the big picture. More specifically, I had a comprehensive view of all of my shortcomings and the differences between my consciousness and that heightened consciousness . . . and the distance was vast indeed. To be one with that consciousness, one must be totally honest about everything without any exceptions. There can be absolutely no compromises, no duplicity, no denial and no rationalization. Total honesty with self and absolutely pure intent is required. To say that it was humbling is an understatement." - John Hill

It is approaching 40 years later now. I have made some progress, made some mistakes and I'm still working on it. Probably my most redeeming quality is that I refuse to quit.

Have you considered what "enlightenment" or "awakening" might mean for you? Sometimes interesting things happen when you ask the right questions.

The Path The Path is a book about the Spiritual journey that we all take. Who are we, why are we here, what is consciousness, what is enlightenment, how do we grow Spiritually? There are detailed instructions on basic and advanced meditation and the Kuji-In or nine syllables meditation from Hindu, Buddhist and Ninja traditions. There are also instructions on using forgiveness and recapitulation to recover energy and resolve karma.
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