Armageddon - The War in HeavenAccording to the Book of Revelation in the New Testament of the Christian Bible, Armageddon is the prophesied location of a gathering of armies for a battle during the end times, variously interpreted as either a literal or a symbolic location. It is referred to as the final battle of good versus evil, light versus darkness, etc. The theme of a contest or Cosmic Battle and Eternal Struggle between Good and Evil or between the Light versus the Dark is found in the writings of just about all the great Faith Traditions of this planet. The Cosmic Battle frequently described as being fought within the soul of an individual. The individual is often the hero of a Myth. The Mythic tale may also involve a struggle between warring armies also fighting the same battle on a physical plane. So Myths are tales full of Adversaries, Adversity, Conflict and Opposing Forces. In this way they are expressing the Universal Spiritual notion of the Cosmic Battle between Good and Evil. In Zoroastrianism we have descriptions of an eternal struggle between Ohrmazd and Ahriman, representing Good and Evil respectively. The Zoroastrian Scriptures describe this dialectic as happening transcendentally and Universally but also emphasizes that it is happening within every individual person as well. In Islam we have the notion of Jihad which roughly translates as "To Struggle in the Way of God". Muhammad is quoted as saying that 'The most excellent Jihad is the perfection of character'. So again we find this notion of Cosmic Battle that happens on a battlefield and also within the mind and soul of the individual. In Christianity the word Satan is usually understood as the being who embodies pure Evil. Satan is actually a Hebrew word which means Adversary and didn't start off with the connotations that it would later acquire. Satan was translated into the Greek word for adversary, "Diabolos" from which the word Devil was derived. In Islam we find a similar term Shaitan, which roughly means and is translated as "The one who rebels." As with the Cosmic Battle, we have this theme of adversaries and opposition. In many of the highest earning and highly popular movies, there is a common theme of good versus evil, the good guys versus the bad guys, Light versus Darkness. From Lord of the Rings to the Avengers, from Harry Potter to Avatar, in Fast and the Furious, Star Trek, Star Wars and the Matrix, we see the same battle playing out. The film makers know that these themes trigger our emotions and that they can use this effect to make a lot of money. These movies generate intense emotions in the viewers, make them identify personally with the characters and root for them. This is important because it demonstrates that we all have deep within ourselves an ingrained sense sense of this dicotomy and struggle. It is ingrained in our Soul Memory and our DNA. Where Does this Core Conflict come From?According to the Christian mystic, Edgar Cayce, the Book of Revelation is the symbolic account of "the fall of all human souls" and humanity's ultimate return to unity with their Source. According to Cayce, all human souls were created before the universe began and none have been created since. Some of these human souls left their abode in heaven and became trapped on earth in flesh. These souls are now finding their way back to God through the cycle of evolution and reincarnation. According to Cayce, "Satan" is not a being nor a literal fallen angel. "Satan" is the influence of the collective consciousness of rebellion against the force of God, or Creation or Source. According to Cayce, human weaknesses and evil are a result of the misuse of free will, a misuse that began in the Spirit and mind, long before material life even began. The implication here is that all outer influences, whether they are good or evil, emanate from the unseen realms of Spirit and mind. Cayce calls the war that rages within us between the seen and unseen realms the true Armageddon. It is a terrible battle, a war of selfishness and darkness against loving care for others and the light of truth, hope, and love. The War in Heaven
There are descriptions of a war in heaven found in the writings of Christianity, Judiasm, Islam and most other major and minor religions. In Christianity, it begins at or shortly after creation and comes to a conclusion in the Book of Revelation. The Book of Revelation describes a war in heaven between angels led by the Archangel Michael against those led by "the dragon" who are defeated. This embraces the idea of fallen angels, and parallels have been proposed in the Hebrew Bible and the Dead Sea Scrolls. The concept of a war in heaven appears in certain Dead Sea Scrolls. The War of the Sons of Light Against the Sons of Darkness, (the War Scroll (1QM and 4Q491-497)), the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice, Song 5 (4Q402), and the Melchizedek document (11Q13) are often cited. In the War Scroll the angels of Light, who are identified with Michael, the prince of Light, will fight in heaven against the angels of darkness, who are identified with Belial. The word Belial is believed to have been taken from the Hebrew word "beliy", meaning "not," and "ya'al", meaning "profit" or "benefit." It is used twenty six times in the Old Testament, usually translated as "worthless" in the New American Standard Bible, but also as "base," "destruction," "rascally," and "wicked." In the earlier books of the Old Testament, when describing a wicked person, the King James translation sometimes uses "son of Belial" (or "daughter," "man," or "people" of Belial). The term "son of Belial" is a description of people characterized by worthlessness or corruption. The term "sons of belial" also appears in the readings of American psychic Edgar Cayce. According to Cayce, the "Sons of the Law of One" are those who maintain their connection to the Creator and to Divine creative forces and the "sons of Belial" are those that used the Divine Forces for the gratifying of selfish appetites. As time progressed, the gratifying of selfish appetites became an increasingly intense quest for power and control over othrs. Without the guidance of love and compassion, disregard for others became abuses and the abuses became increasingly extreme. These two different paths are incompatible. As they diverged, incompatibility led to conflict, conflict led to war and war led to destruction. This is what destroyed and sank the continent of Atlantis. This divergence between those connected to the Divine original Source and those that separate themselves and seek power and selfishness is what this author referrs to as the two paradigms .
Through his readings, Cayce stated that the Christian Bible contains the symbolic account of the fall of the human soul from its divine origins (as symbolically described in the Book of Genesis) and the restoration of the human soul to oneness with the Creator or Source (as symbolically described in the Book of Revelation). He gives a detailed analysis of the symbology found in the Book of Revelation and how it relates to the seven chakras, the purification of human consciousness, kundalini and enlightenment. This, then, is the description of the internal battle, the individual war between light and darkness, the challenge that each of us must face on our path to enlightenment and freedom from material attachment. According to Cayce, the battle of Armageddon will not be a war fought on Earth. Rather, it will be a Spiritual struggle between the "higher forces of light" and "lower forces of darkness" for 1000 years of Earth time. The reason for this struggle is to prevent souls from lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth. By preventing souls from the lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth, only enlightened souls will be permitted to reincarnate. The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and enlightenment. After 1000 years, souls from lower afterlife realms will be permitted once again to reincarnate to Earth. By this time, the so-called "Kingdom of Heaven" will have been established on Earth. This 1000 years of peace is described in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. This quote is from the Book of Revelation - Chapter 20 - King James version: "(1) And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. " "(2) And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years. " "(3) And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more," till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season. ""(4) And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgment was given unto them: and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, and which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon their foreheads, or in their hands; and they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years." "(5) But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. " "(6) Blessed and holy is he that hath part in the first resurrection: on such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years. " "(7) And when the thousand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed out of his prison." "(8) And shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle: the number of whom is as the sand of the sea. " "(9) And they went up on the breadth of the earth, and compassed the camp of the saints about, and the beloved city: and fire came down from God out of heaven, and devoured them. " "(10) And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever." "(11)And I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven fled away; and there was found no place for them. " "(12) And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works. " "(13) And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. " "(14) And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. " "(15) And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire." Consider this carefully. The dark force entities, those who separated themselves from a close connection with the Creator or Source and the energy that emanates from it, have to obtain their energy from other beings. This makes them parasites. They are parasites both in a Spiritual sense, draining life energy, and in a material sense, draining money and resources. Because individual souls have free will, convincing an individual to give up their energy willingly and to their detriment requires deception, manipulation, lying, seduction, and many forms of intimidation. The dark force entities can be very agressive about this and they cheat, deceive, intimidate and fight dirty. In a world where duality and free will are in play, those more enlightened individuals who attempt to introduce reforms, justice, fairness, compassion and benevolence into the society are perceived as a threat by the dark force individuals whose power, control, exploitive advantages, and egos are very threatened. Note that dark force entities exist in a broad hierarchy of intelligence, psychic ability, power and shades of gray. Some may be acting selfishly, destructively or amorally without being particularly aware of or care about their impact on others. Some may be pawns with no particular ill intent, but vulnerable to deception and manipulation by another who is more powerful and shrewd. The "other" can be an individual or the group consciousness of a religious dogma, political movement, cause or philosophy. There are some who are fully aware of the Spiritual dicotomy of the two paradigms and consciously choose the dark path. For them, it is their religion. They may participate in spiritual practices that resemble those of the light beings, but with the intent and application misdirected. They may be charming, persuasive and dangerous. Some narcicistic, psycopathic, or sociopathic personality types may be found here. How does one confront or face this kind of negative energetic, economic, social and political dynamics? Many revolutions against tyrany have resulted in one tyrany replacing another. Those obsessed with power use institutions, religions, movements and any other otherwise positive vehicle for their own purposes. They do so with deception, corruption and manipulation. They cheat and fight dirty. They will marginalize, discredit or kill anyone that gets in their way. Such individuals are generally not amenable to negotiation, compromise or reform. Despite this, most are still some shade of gray and may ultimately choose the path of light. That leaves only one solution. The dark force entities must be removed from the equation. Simply removing them is ineffective because they are too many, they don't make themselves easy to identify and for each one who is legally prosecuted or dies of natural causes, there is a long list of others standing in line to take their place. This is where Edgar Cayce's description of the battle of Armageddon and the prevention of the dark entities from incarnating in the Earth comes in. Bear in mind that each of us falls somewhere on the gray scale. We have a variable connection to the Source and a variable connection to the separation from the source. We have all fallen into a state of separation and are in the process of finding our way back to the full connection with the Source and the embodiment of Universal Unselfish Love that it emanates. If this were not so, we would not be here and you wouldn't be reading this. The majority of what we call dark entities are also somewhere on the gray scale, but may be stuck in social, economic, political and peer structures such that they feel that they have no choice. Then there are some who are fully aware and dedicated to the dark path. If those dedicated dark entities were prevented from incarnating into human bodies, the collective soul energy of the population would begin to shift from the dark to the light. Those positive entities who work for reform, justice, fairness, the good of all, etc. would be given the opportunity to do their work without interference, attack, marginalization or assassination. The world would shift from a destructive, conflict ridden, exploitive environment to one of peace, mutual interest, and positive collaboration. That in turn would produce a world whose collective prosperity and quality of life would be greater than we can currently imagine. Advances in science, technology and exploration would progress unrestricted and dramatically. The Spiritual evolution of the human race would also advance dramatically. A new economic model would emerge. One that is more just, fair and compassionate. The infrastructure of the planet would change so that a benevolent and energetic world from one that is oppressed and depressed. What happens then when, after the 1000 years, dark entities are again permitted to re-incarnate? If they are in the minority, and everyone can see them for what they are, and they have no power base, they would have the opportunity to confront their separation from Spirit and re-discover their connection to the Source. Everyone else would have the opportunity to confront any remaining aspects of themself that fall on the gray scale. There would likely be challenges, tests and conflict. The whole point of the journey, past, present and future is to re-establish our full connection with our Source that we lost when we pushed ourselves too far into matter and got stuck. We live in a free will plane of existence where we can choose between the paths of light versus darkness or selfishness versus compassion. Our journey here is to clean up our darker side and reconnect to the light and the Source. This is what the cycle of reincarnation is about. While it remains a choice, note that in the language of the Christian Bible, there may be a limit to the number of "do overs" that we get if we persist in choosing the path of self centeredness, self indulcence, self aggrandizement, power and wealth at the expense of others, etc. The War on EarthAll war is the result of conflict between the light and dark forces. The physical wars on the battlefield are the proxies of the Spiritual conflict. There are indications that devastating technologically advanced wars have been fought on earth in the distant past.
There are a number of quotes often referenced to the ancient Indian Vedic texts and Sumerian texts that describe the effects and after effects of atomic detonations. See Physical Evidence Of Ancient Atomic Wars Can Be Found World Wide and Hi Tech Warfare in Ancient Times - Some More Evidences. There are also vedic texts that describe flying vehicles called vimanas. It describes how they are made, how they are operated and how they are used for war. See Vimanas and the wars of the gods: The Rediscovery of a Lost Civilization, of a Forgotten Science and of an Ancient Lore of India and Pakistan (Amazon Link) There are areas of vitrifications or surface glass found in many parts of the world. This thin layer of glass on the surface had to be formed by intense heat. It cannot be explained by volcanic activity, meteor strikes, fires or any other known natural phenomenon. They could, however, be explained by a nuclear detonation above the ground. In fact, this glass looks exactly like the surface glass formed by the atomic bomb tests in the Nevada and New Mexico deserts. There are many internet sites and books describing artefacts, archaeological sites and other evidence of ancient and pre-historic advanced civilizations. For a scholarly and journalistic look into this field, see the Books (Amazon Link) by journalist and author Graham Hancock. Hancock's theme is that there was an advanced civilization on Earth before the end of the last ice age, that that civilization was destroyed by some cataclysm and that the remnants of that civilization provided the seeds for what we record as ancient civilizations. If you read deeply into this field, you will find that there is a lot of evidence of very ancient advanced civilizations that are unacknowledged by current social and political paradigms. There is also evidence of very ancient wars involving advanced technology probably including nuclear weapons. What were the Ancient Wars About? The history and mythology of Mexico, Central America and South America provide a clue. In each ancient culture there is a central character known by different names (languages) and having a similar description. The names Quetzalcoatl, Kukulkan, Gucumatz, Votan, Itzamana (and possibly others) are associated with both a central figure and a small group of individuals. They were described as being tall, bearded, bald and light skinned. They were teachers in agriculture, architecture, science, astronomy, medicine and morality. They taught harmony with nature and respect for life. They came from the east and eventually returned to the east, promising to return one day. They were not the only advanced beings to visit the progenitors of the Mayas, Incas, Aztecs and others, however. Another was an entity named Tezcatilpoca or "smoky mirror". Tezcatilpoca was a malevolent entity whose cult demanded human sacrifice. There was conflict between the two groups that went on for a very long time. It seems that a near cosmic struggle between light and darkness took place in Ancient Mexico and the dark side won, forcing those aligned with light and life to flee. Why Human Sacrifice? It should be noted that this practice of human sacrifice was not limited to Meso America. Human sacrifice was widely practiced in every part of the very ancient world. The Cartheginians, Phonecians, Celts, Druids, early Greeks, early Middle Eastern cultures, early Vedic cultures and countless others engaged in some form or degree of the practice. According to Edgar Cayce, ritual human sacrifice originated with the Atlantean faction associated with the "Sons of Belial". Why? According to the Meso American cultures, hman sacrifice was practiced because the Gods demanded it. It was to feed the gods and prevent the end of time. In contemporary culture, the end of time is generally taken as physical destruction. In mesoamerican cultures, time was defined by their calendar and their calendar was defined by the position and movement of the stars and constellations. The movement of the stars and constellations goes through a repeating cycle called the precession of the equinoxes. This precession consists of a cyclic wobbling in the orientation of Earths axis of rotation and has a period of 25,772 years. All ancient cultures were keenly aware of the movement of constellations and the ages of time. All of the ancient monuments from stonehenge to the pyramids of Egypt are aligned with the stars. December 21, 2012 marked the transition from one age to another, not the physical end of the world. This transition was to be from a dark age to an enlightened age. It appears that the human sacrifices were intended to provide certain "gods" with vital energy to be used to hold back the change that this change in ages represents. Recall that those entities that separated themselves from the Source have to derive energy from the life force of other beings and from nature. The Extraterrestrial WarWhile there is evidence of high technology warfare on earth, there is also evidence of warfare elsewhere in our solar system. As with all war, this is also a Spiritual war. The fundamental core essence of all war and conflict is the paradigm conflict between those connected with life and the Source and those separate from the Source and acting to acquire energy and power and resources by taking it from others. In the book The Gods of Eden (Amazon Link) William Bramley makes the case that the wars of Earth have been manipulated and orchestrated by extraterrestrials. Bramley walks us in detail through the politics, religions, wars, and cultural upheavals beginning circa 5000 bce in Mesopotamia and winding up in late twentieth century America. His historical accounting and analysis is meticulous. Bramley refers to the extraterrestrial manipulators as custodians. If you expand the connecting thread to include non-physical beings, his accounting corresponds with the concept of the war between light and dark, the struggle between the two paradigms. Another perspective on extraterrestrial custodians is presented by Dolores Cannon. Dolores Cannon is a hypnotherapist who specializes in past life regression and recovery of lost knowledge by using hypnosis to access higher consciousness. In her book The Custodians: Beyond Abduction (Amazon Link), she describes a long history of contact between extraterrestrial races and planet Earth where the extraterrestrials seed life on Earth during its early development and act to nurture the development of life and evolution of conscious beings on our planet throughout our history. This presents a picture of extraterrestrial custodians whose actions towards humans is benevolent. Cannon also recorded examples of warfare between extraterrestrial races in her series of books, Convoluted Universe series of books (Amazon Link). Cannon also describes in her book The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth (Amazon Link) how avanced and enlightened volunteer souls are being born into human bodies in an effort to change the negative direction of human developments on Earth. Specifically, it seems that the ET races are extremely concerned about the dangers of nuclear war and are trying through subtle influence to help us avoid it. Another perspective is offered by Dr. Steven M Greer (Wikipedia Link). Dr. Greer is the founder of the Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI) and the Disclosure Project, which seeks the disclosure of classified secret UFO information. Dr. Greer presents testimony from hundreds of withesses, including former intelligence officials, high ranking military officials, astronauts and others. He describes the extraterrestrials as advanced intelligent beings who are interested in human evolution, would like to help and are extremely reluctant to interfere. The most obvious and well documented example of war in our solar system is found on Mars and the asteroid belt. In his book Death on Mars: The Discovery of a Planetary Nuclear Massacre (Amazon Link), John E. Brandenburg PhD, a plasma physicist, points out that the levels of Xenon 129, Argon 40, and Krypton 84 in the Martian atmosphere are all consistent with the explosion of high yield nuclear weapons. In fact, these isotopes are not found in nature at all but are produced by nuclear weapon detonation. In fact, these isotopes are present in the same ratios in Earth's atmosphere as a result of the atmospheric nuclear tests in the 1960's. Based on their relative concentrations, Dr. Brandenberg estimates that those Martian detonations occurred around 250-500 million years ago, probably blasting away the Martian atmosphere. Recent NASA findings prove that mars once had a thicker atmosphere and flowing water on the surface. This is hard acknowledged science not conspiracy theory,controversial data or unacknowledged truth. In 1976, the viking orbiters took photos of the Martian surface. Two of those photos showed a giant humanoid face looking straight up at the sky. When these photos got noticed, a controversy arose. Was it a trick of light and shadow or evidence of the prior existence of an advanced civilization. Later missions took higher resolution and 3D photos of the object. The photos do not conclusively resolve the controversy of whether it is a giant artificial monument weathered by eons of wind and dust storms or a natural feature. The face is not the only controversial artefact. There are what appear to be pyramid like structures, ruined cities and ruins of buildings. The theory that these photos represent an advanced civilization was promoted and popularized by Richard C Hoagland. See his book The Monuments of Mars: A City on the Edge of Forever (Amazpn Link) and his website Enterprise Mission. Dr. Courtney Brown (Wikipedia Link), the founder of The Farsight Institute did a Remote Viewing project with the target being the War in Heaven as it is specifically referenced in the Book of Revelation in the Christian Bible. Here is a summary of some of the high points of the remote viewing sessions in this project. It is standard procedure that the remote viewers have no conscious knowledge of what the target is.
A previous and separate remote viewing session, conducted by the Farsight Institute, that targeted the face on Mars, yielded a description of the Martian civilization that once existed there. Remote Viewing Cydonia, Mars . Prior to this, in 1985, Joseph McMoneagle, a remote viewer for the previously classified stargate program, did a remote viewing session that targeted the face on Mars, other Martian features of interest and the civilization behind them before its demise. He described the Martian features as real megalithic artificial structures and the creators of these structures during their last days at around 1,000,000 BC. The transcript of that session is now unclassified and can be downloaded from the CIA website. Mars Exploration May 22, 1984. In 1958 Harvey Comics published an issue titled The Face on Mars. This episode describes the Martian features, Martian civilization and Martian war exactly as it is portrayed by the remote viewing and scientific evidence presented above. Critics might look at this and claim that this is evidence that it is all fiction. Or . . . is it? Is it possible that the comic author accessed the same subconscious information pool that the remote viewers are accessing? Is it possible that there are other examples of authors of books and movie and tv scripts accessing the same pool of subconscious information? Is it possible that our ancient Myths and Religious Texts also accessed this same pool of subconscious information when describing the war in heaven and the conflict between good and evil. An event so dramatic and cataclysmic would be expected to leave a very strong subconscious imprint. Perhaps there is a subconscious record of all of this and perhaps it is not as difficult to access as one might be led to believe. The theory that there was or should be a planet between Mars and Jupiter is not a new idea. In 1596, Johannes Kepler predicted "Between Mars and Jupiter, I place a planet" while analyzing Tycho Brahe's data. In 1766 the astronomer Johann Daniel Titius noted a pattern in the layout of the planets. Now known as the Titius-Bode law, his mathematical formula requires that there should be a planet where the asteroid belt is. His formula also lead to the discovery of Uranus. His formula doesn't work for the outer planets beyond Uranus. In 1802, astronomer Heinrich Olbers suggested that the asteroids were fragments of a much larger planet that once occupied the Mars Jupiter region, this planet having suffered an internal explosion or a cometary impact many million years before. There are, not surprisingly, multiple alternate theories. According to geologists, the Earth was subjected to an extensive bombardment of meteorites approximately 470 million years ago. It is believed that these meteorites are the result of an explosive event involving planet sized bodies between Mars and Jupiter. Even today, it is believed that most of the meteorites that hit Earth may have originated in the asteroid belt. Meteorites are grouped into three general categories. They are carbonaceous, stony, or metalic or some combination of the three. The metalic meteorites contain large amounts of iron and nickel and other metals. They are believed to be fragments from the core of a planet or large asteroid. There are meteorites that were clearly formed by volcanic activity. There are also meteorites that were clearly formed by geologic activity involving water and moderate temperatures. There are a number of meteorites that contain what appears to be fossils of bacteria or algae like organisms. Here are a couple of links to relevant articles: Astrobiologists discover fossils in meteorite fragments, confirming extraterrestrial life and Fossil Life in ALH 84001. Mars is considered to be the origin of ALH 84001. This is because Mars is now recognized as having once hosted liquid water and temperatures compatible with a life supporting environment. If there was a life supporting planet between Mars and Jupiter, it would be an equally valid candidate. There was initially a report from NASA stating that this meteorite contained evidence of Martian life. This got a lot of press coverage including statements from president Clinton. Subsequently, alternative explanations emerged and dominated the narrative. ArmageddonThere are real wars being fought on Earth as we speak. There is a risk of a third world war on Earth that would have civilization destroying consequences. There are is a long history of major and minor wars fought on Earth. There is evidence of ancient advanced civilizations on Earth that were destroyed by war, natural or man made disasters or both. There is evidence of ancient nuclear war on Earth. There is evidence of a planet destroying war in our solar system. We see evidence of the existence of extraterrestrial and inorganic Spiritual beings that are both predatory and benevolent, light and dark. What does this have to do with a Spiritual conflict? Remember:
Our physical world and its conflicts and problems are the manifested result of two divergent and incompatible models of reality in the Spiritual realms. The conflict between the two paradigms and the struggle between good and evil. It is a terrible battle fought within each individual, a war of selfishness and darkness against loving care for others and the light of truth, hope, and love. To have a culture or civilization that is progressive and peaceful, all of its members must work together harmoniously. In a world where the agressive and predatory individuals attack the peaceful positive individuals and destroy them, peace and prosperity cannot thrive. The predators must be removed or restrained for peace and prosperity to be accomplished. We live in a free will environment where each individual has to make the choices that move them along a path of light or darkness. We cannot force or persuade agressive predators to be nice. What then can we do to achieve a constructive peaceful world? Remember that in Edgar Cayce's interpretation of the Book of Revelation, the battle of Armageddon is a Spiritual struggle between the "higher forces of light" and "lower forces of darkness". For 1000 years the reincarnation of souls from the lower afterlife realms are beomg prevented from reincarnating to Earth. This is the battle of Armageddon. By preventing souls from the lower afterlife realms from reincarnating to Earth, only enlightened souls will be permitted to reincarnate. The result will be 1000 years of building a world of peace and enlightenment. Also recall that Dolores Cannon described an influx of Spiritually enlightened beings being born into human bodies for the first time in an attempt to raise the collective consciousness and enable the human race to navigate a path away from destruction. So, do we just sit and wait for all of the bad people to be replaced by good people? If you really want see a collective paradigm shift, you must be your own paradigm shift. That is, after all, what it is all about. The more people who can make the paradigm shift, the easier it will be for others to also make the shift and the more the collective consciousness will be positively affected. One could say that this is the path of the Spiritual warrior, the mastery of the self. In addition, those Spiritual forces that are fighting the battle of Armageddon need our help. Our will, intent, personal energy and prayers are extremely valuable and possibly essential in helping facilitate the selective incarnation of positive light souls into our material plane.
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